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13 Mar Top 5 Benefits of Vaping Over Smoking
0 2452
Vaping and electronic cigarettes are becoming very popular these days, especially as an alternate option for traditional smokers and especially for people who are attempting to quit smoking. This increasing popularity is due to various benefits that vaping has to offer over conventional smoking. Let us have a look at these advantages below.Be..
04 Mar Top 5 Mechanical Mods For Beginners
0 2353
People are more into the mechanical mod today as they are different from regular mods which include box mods, unregulated mods and semi-mechanical mods. The beginners of vaping, are in the middle of starting their journey of shifting from smoking to vaping with the aim of enjoying without compromising on health and adding style to their life.. ..
20 Feb A Study on Vape Lungs vs Smoker Lungs
0 12436
There is always an ongoing debate on vaping vs smoking. Each discussion of vaping includes a comparison with smoking and why not. After all, if there was no such thing as vaping, most smokers would still be smokers instead of vapers or nonsmokers. However, when we talk science, there are very few comparisons which show the difference between va..
08 Feb 10 Amazing Things That Happen When You Quit Smoking and Start Vaping
0 2422
The world is turning into an amazing place. Thanks to science. Almost daily we see a new invention that blows our mind. Think of the internet, the cell phones and now Vaping. Vaping is certainly one of the greatest invention that has helped hundreds and hundreds of people to quit smoking and start a healthy lifestyle. It might be that your doct..
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