The chemical components of a cigarette are well known for causing damage to the human body. This led to researchers developing healthy alternatives to smoking, which led to the creation of Vapes. Professor John Newton, the director of PHE stated that “Our new review reinforces the finding that vaping is a fraction of the risk of smoking, at least 95% less harmful, and of negligible risk to bystanders”. (British Heart Foundation) The rise in vapes popularity has led to people probing deeply into the effects it has on the human body. So, far the scientific community has different opinions.

The medical community admits that vape has many benefits and some even recommend them to their patients. However, it cannot be denied that Vaping comes with side effects, as Martin Dockrell a leading figure at PHE points out, “We know that e-cigarettes are probably not completely safe, but that’s not the issue. The question is, are e-cigarettes safer than the alternative? And, for almost all e-cigarette users the alternative is smoking, and it's really important that they understand how much safer e-cigarettes are, compared to smoking” (British Heart Foundation). In the following article, we examine the controversial opinions about vaping and determine whether vaping has any effect on high blood pressure patients.

Vaping and Blood pressure: -

High Blood pressure causes many diseases and increases the risk of early death. Research reveals that smokers in comparison to non-smokers are at high risk of cardiac arrest. It has been discovered that smoking results in the arteries becoming stiff and causes inflammation. Nicotine combines with Tobacco is considered to be the primary cause of it. Since Vape juices have nicotine in them, which can be adjusted according to a person needs it had led to many people raising the question does vaping cause high blood pressure? In the scientific community, the opinions are divided. Some claim that since Vape juices contain Nicotine, they can have the same effects as cigarettes on the blood pressure and heart. Higher the amount of Nicotine higher the chances of a person's health getting damaged; however, Nicotine free e-juices are also available and can prove very beneficial especially for non-smokers.

Scientists have now come to an agreement that Nicotine alone does not pose a threat instead of combustible tobacco causes high blood pressure and other problems. Ann McNeill, who is a well-known author and professor in the field of Tobacco addiction stated that “People smoke for the nicotine, but contrary to what the vast majority believe, nicotine causes little if any of the harm. The toxic smoke is the culprit and is the overwhelming cause of all the tobacco-related disease and death. There are now a greater variety of alternative ways of getting nicotine than ever before, including nicotine gum, nasal spray, lozenges, and e-cigarettes.” (Blood Pressure U.K) In 2007 a research was published which revealed that Nicotine could help reduce hypertension caused during pregnancy.  Some studies have reported that vaping can result in decreasing the Blood pressure among people suffering from hypertension. In 2016 Dr. Riccardo Polosa and Dr. Farsalino conducted a study during which 211 people were gathered. Data collected from the experiment revealed that there was a decrease in the blood pressure level of people suffering from hypertension.

In comparison, the people who made use of traditional cigarettes saw a significant increase in their blood pressure and heart rate. During the research, it was also discovered that as compared to cigarettes vapes absorb the Nicotine more slowly. Dr. Frasalino has advised that further research should be carried out. He stated that “Considering the extreme hazards associated with cigarette smoking, currently available data suggest that electronic cigarettes are far less harmful and substituting tobacco with electronic cigarettes may be beneficial to health.” (news medical) This study is the first step towards determining the positive effects of Vaping hypertension. A study conducted in Germany reveals that e-cigarettes can be just as dangerous as regular cigarettes. The researcher made use of both vapes and regular cigarettes. They both results in increased heart rate and blood pressure. According to the researchers, “The increased parameters within the nicotine-containing devices might be a link to an increased cardiovascular risk which is well known for cigarettes,” They also stated that "Future trials should focus on chronic effects of vaping nicotine-containing or nicotine-free liquids on peripheral and central blood pressures as well as on arterial stiffness," 

Vaping has become the hottest trend in the modern world where it has many pros there are cons as well. The modern world is focused on determining its benefits, and the laws regarding vaping are becoming less strict. So, far there is no clear answer to the question does vaping cause high blood pressure? More trials need to be carried out, and more data needs to be generated before conclusions can be reached. However, no one can deny that Vape is a much better option than traditional smoking. So, if you are a habitual smoker who has hypertension, then it is recommended that you consult with your doctor and switch to vaping but keep in mind that non-smokers should not try vape juices. It can have adverse effects on their health. Also, please be advised that vaping cannot be used as a medicine if you feel sick or are uncomfortable contact your doctors immediately. I hope this article helped clear some of your questions and provided a suitable answer. If you are interested in buying different products, you can take a look at they have a vast collection of tanks, Vape juices, mods, kits, Coils and many other things available for you to try.