Every smoker realizes the cost that they impose on people around them. It is not just their own health that they put at risk, but the health of people around them that choose to not leave when the smoker indulges in the harmful activity of smoking. This is, has and always will be a very controversial issue of cigarettes and people that choose to smoke have been called inconsiderate because they refuse to acknowledge the seriousness of this issue.

It is not just your own life that you are endangering but also of people around you who had no involvement whatsoever. Realizing that smokers will not care about anyone’s health, the government has itself banned smoking in public places because it knows that passive smoking is sort of a breach in someone’s personal space.

Why is It So Dangerous?

You see, everyone realizes that smoking is so dangerous because it has numerous cancer-causing agents. The carcinogens will slowly introduce minor inconveniences such as diminished taste and dehydration that will make your everyday life difficult. In many cases, they will even cause incurable, life-threatening diseases.

Most people worry that if they smoke passively, they will be inhaling all of these harmful chemical compounds that can harm their health. However, you would be shocked if I told that the smoke from a cigarette is much more harmful than the cigarette itself. How? Well, because the smoke from the cigarette is not just the harmful chemicals in the cigarettes, but also the result of a chemical reaction between oxygen – as a result of the combustion - and those compounds that produces even more harmful chemicals. So, in a way, the passive smoker is at an even greater risk than the smoker.

What is Passive Vaping? Is it Just as Dangerous?

Just as passive smoking refers to inhaling second hand smoke from a cigarette, passive vaping refers to inhaling second hand vapor. People often wonder whether they should be worried about vaping passively as they worry about smoking passively. Although the FDA has banned vaping in public, just as it has banned smoking in public, the truth of the matter is that vapor is not as harmful as cigarette smoke.

Explaining this fact revolves around explaining what is contained in an e cigarette or vape vapor. The vapor produced by e-cigarettes and vape is produced from the e liquid that you use. The e liquid, in turn, contains four main ingredients: nicotine, flavoring, Vegetable glycerin and Propylene Glycol. Unlike cigarettes, none of these materials is known to be harmful on its own and the fact that the mixture of these ingredients is done in highly controlled environments means that there is no room for any chemical reaction between them and hence no extra chemicals are produced in the process. Moreover, research has proved that vapes do not lead to any fatal diseases and causes no minor medical issues if you take all the proper precautions.

This is just half the picture though. You would question whether the liquid gets dangerous after it is vaporized, just like in cigarettes, the ingredients get more dangerous after they are combusted. The answer is no. Ingredients in vapes and e cigarettes do not react with any oxygen to get vaporized because there is just no oxygen to react with. This is because there is no combustion in vapes that will introduce any oxygen into the equation. The vapor in e cigarettes and vapes is produced by a coil that is heated upon its connection to the batteries, which in turn heats up the e liquid.

So, then when neither the ingredients are harmful, nor are there any extra chemicals produced, the vapor from e cigarettes and vapes is safe for third-party.

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